Genius Hour!
Genius Hour is a time where we get to learn about what we want to learn and research about it and present it to the class. I really like this because we get to learn about something madly exciting and we do not have actual due date and for many other reasons. I think it is one of the best things I have done and one of the best things I will do in school. I really love Genius Hour and I am really excited when I do it and I cannot wait to present my work to class even though I know most of them will not like it, but again, I really love Genius Hour and I am really excited about it.
September 4, 2013
Today, I went to youtube and I went to Antvenom´s channel ( and saw one of his redstone experiment videos ( and wrote about it in google document but did not finish it.
September 11, 2013
Today, I went to youtube and went over the same video again and again. I got a lot done. I added a lot in the google document I created last week.
September 18, 2013
Sadly, we did not have Genius Hour and I obviously got nothing done.
September 25, 2013
Today, since I got a ton done in September 11 and I have very little to do, I started writing about what I did (I did not write September 11, 18 till today.) and improved the website.
September 26, 2013
Today, I got bit of time to work on Genius Hour because I finished my test quickly and I just started working on my Genius Hour. Since I did not have much time, I just went over everything on my "essay thing" but made no change at all.
October 16, 2013
Have not done anything for a long time but I think I am done. I was thinking for some improvements I can make, but there were only things (At least I can think of ) which will take a lot of time and I will not do. I think I ill present it sometime next week. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....KABOOM!(Creeper exploding)!
October 23, 2013
Guys! I decided that I am completely done and I am practicing presenting to the class. I am going to present it to the class at November 6. If you have any suggestions for my next Genius Hour, please make sure to leave a comment on the post on top of the Genius Hour page if you are reading this when I have not decided yet.
November 6, 2013
Guys, I don't think I am going to present my Genius Hour today. I'll probably present it next Wednesday. It is very likely that I will going to present it next week. If something happens, I'll give you guys an update. I practiced presenting my Genius Hour to the class and improved my website.
November 13, 2013
Guys, I really am disappointed and sorry but I couldn't present my Genius Hour to the class because Mrs.K had to coach a basketball team and I wasn't able to present it to the class.