Genius Hour!
Genius Hour is a time where we get to learn about what we want to learn and research about it and present it to the class. I really like this because we get to learn about something madly exciting and we do not have actual due date and for many other reasons. I think it is one of the best things I have done and one of the best things I will do in school. I really love Genius Hour and I am really excited when I do it and I cannot wait to present my work to class even though I know most of them will not like it, but again, I really love Genius Hour and I am really excited about it.
Genius Hour is Back!!!
Hi, guys! I just wanted to say that Genius Hour is back and now it is hardcore research&posting time again! Now you are probably wondering what my new question is for this Genius Hour. Since I got the most votes for "Differences of Different Difficulties In Minecraft" in my poll, I will do that one! Hopefully you guys (that even check my site...) are as excited as I am and let's start the research!
The Only Update
First, sorry for not a single update since I started this Genius Hour but I didn't have any time due to the fact that the research went really, really bad. I thought this Genius Hour was going to be way easier than the first Genius Hour but it turned out that it wasn't at all. First, it was very difficult to get information about the difficulties because... Well, Mojang doesn't go around telling people everything about their coding... Also, after a ton of research and not getting much information, I decided to go to the Minecraft wikipedia to see how big the "differences" (as the videos I looked up said) of mobs' health, spawn rate of mobs, etc. but again, I had no luck since the school internet blocked game-related things. So, I'll write down the very little information that I could gather, do some research, and make my presentation since this is the last time I can work and I wanted to have at least one update. So, yeah... I think that is about it and I really don't know how to end this so I will just cut it off right her (the "e" and the period was cut off)